3 Stainless Steel Magnetic Separators Sold In January 2019
By Paul Fears | 08 February 2019
Orders for 3 SSSC model Stainless Steel Separators
The success of 2018 flowed into January 2019 with three orders for SSSC model Stainless Steel Magnetic Separators. All three orders are for different customers with specific metal separation objectives.

Stainless Steel Magnetic Separator demonstrated at the RWM 18 exhibition
“This is a fantastic way to start 2019,” said Dave Hills, Head of Sales. “Interest in the Stainless Steel Magnetic Separator has never been higher. We are continually undertaking tests for customers, which will undoubtedly develop into orders as we progress through the year.”
The Stainless Steel Magnetic Separator
The Stainless Steel Magnetic Separator has an extremely high powered magnetic head pulley to separate work hardened stainless steel. A standard magnetic separator removes strongly magnetic materials from the feed prior to passing over the SSSC. Commonly, non-ferrous metals are also removed using Eddy Current Separators.
A vibratory feeder feeds the remaining fraction onto the conveyor belt of the Stainless Steel Magnetic Separator. As the material enters the strong magnetic field, weakly magnetic metals such as fragmented and work-hardened stainless steel, and even printed circuit boards are attracted and separated.
Applications for the 3 Ordered Stainless Steel Magnetic Separators
All three orders are for Stainless Steel Magnetic Separators with a 900mm wide magnetic field, although wider models are available. The three projects are:
Project A – Shredded PVC Window Frames
The customer had previously purchased Bunting Drawer Filter Magnets to remove ferrous metal from the shredded PVC. Following onsite discussions, tests were conducted at the Master Magnets testing facility. The initial tests demonstrated 100% removal of the stainless steel. The stainless steel items included the door mechanism and hinges. Larger scale tests were then conducted in the presence of the customer. These confirmed the separation performance and the client confirmed the order.
Project B – Car Frag
Initial discussions with the client took place at the IFAT exhibition in 2018. The customer has a very specific fraction of metal scrap originating from car frag containing valuable stainless steel. Tests were undertaken at the Master Magnets testing facility. These met the separation objectives of the customer, who then confirmed the order for their first unit.
Project C – WEEE and other metal scrap
The Israel-based recycling company first met Bunting at the recent IERC Conference in Austria. After listening to the “Magnetic Separation of Stainless Steels” presentation by Don Suderman, Bunting Magnetics’ Material Handling Product Manager, they met the Bunting team on their stand. The order was placed soon after the end of the congress.
Ongoing Projects
“As well as these orders, we are working with recycling companies based across Europe on specific projects,” said Dave. “We are conducting many tests every week, with an increasing number of samples. It is a busy and exciting time for our technicians.”
For further information on the Stainless Steel Magnetic Separator or to arrange a test at the Master Magnets test facility, please contact us via:
Email: sales.redditch@buntingmagnetics.com
Telephone: +44 (0) 1527 65858
All the photographs have been taken by Paul Fears Photography