New Recycling Test Facility
By Paul Fears | 25 February 2019
Following an increase in the demand for material testing, Bunting has constructed a new recycling test facility at their manufacturing operation in Redditch. Initially, the facility will house two models of Stainless-Steel Magnetic Separator and an Eddy Current Separator.
New Recycling Test Facility
“We are seeing an increase in the number of controlled material tests,” explained Adrian Coleman, Bunting-Redditch’s General Manager. “The tests confirm the separation performance, enabling the recycling company to calculate the benefits. As material specifications tighten and separation performance becomes increasingly critical, the number of tests we undertake increase.”
There is a growing demand for material testing, especially on the Stainless-Steel Magnetic Separators. Many of the visitors to the Bunting and Master Magnets ‘Metal Separation Test Centre’ stands at the IFAT and RWM exhibitions expressed interest in the operating equipment on the stand. Following further discussions, companies requested to undertaken controlled tests to confirm the level of metal recovery. Subsequently, in January 2019, Bunting received three separate orders for Stainless Steel Magnetic Separators. Two were following tests conducted at the Redditch facility.

Two models of Stainless-Steel Magnetic Separator
The new Recycling Test Facility covers an area of 122 square meters and was constructed in less than three months.
“Often, customers want to witness the tests,” said Adrian. “The new recycling test facility enables large groups of people to safely participate.”
The new Recycling Test Facility expands Bunting’s testing capabilities. One of the most extensive laboratories for high intensity magnetic separators for the mineral processing and ceramics industries in the world is already located at the Redditch plant.
“Already, the new recycling test facility is in operation on a daily basis,” said Adrian. “Our aim is undertake tests for more companies. We can demonstrate what separation is possible and, hopefully, help in maximising the economic viability of many recycling projects.”
For further information on the Stainless Steel Magnetic Separator or to arrange a test at the Redditch test facility, please contact us via:
Telephone: +44 (0) 1527 65858
All the photographs have been taken by Paul Fears Photography