Metal Separation Demonstrations at IFAT

Magnetic conveyor pulleys

Stainless Steel and Non-Ferrous Metal separation will be demonstrated on the Master Magnets and Bunting Magnetics stand (Hall B6.111) at this year’s IFAT exhibition (Messe Munchen, Munich, Germany, 14-18 May, 2018). IFAT is widely regarded as the world’s leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste, and raw materials management and is held very two years. …

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Recovering Aluminium with Eddy Current Separators

Eddy current separators

When Recycling Lives expanded their Preston recycling operation, they purchased and installed three complete metal separation systems from Master Magnets.  Each system included a two Vibratory Feeders, a Magnetic Drum and an Eddy Current Separator.  The equipment is part of a process to recover ferrous and non-ferrous metals from shredded car bodies. Eddy Current Separator…

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Master Magnets Develops in Eddy Current Separator Market

eddy current systems ‌

Taking the equipment to the waste.  It may sound obvious, but there are thousands of vehicles on our roads transporting waste every day.  The new ‘Mastertrax’ mobile Metal Separation Module allows the processing to take place at the location of the waste.  The environmental benefits are obvious. The  ‘Mastertrax’ Mobile Metal Separation System includes a Vibratory…

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Metal Recovery from Finnish Household Waste

Rising UK Metal Packaging Recycling Tonnage

In January 2016, Bunting secured the contract for the supply of metal separation equipment for a waste treatment facility processing municipal solid waste (MSW) and solid recovered fuel (SRF) in Lahti, 105km northeast of Helsinki.  This new plant, designed and built by Vimelco, would be handling an input in excess of 66,000 TPA of this…

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Master Magnets Electro Suspension Magnet Still Going Strong!

Electro Magnet

Master Magnets was contacted by a customer whose transformer rectifier for their Electro Suspension Magnet had failed.  Alarmed at the failure, we checked through our project records.  After some searching, we discovered that the Electro Suspension Magnet had been originally supplied in 1989.  It was actually older than some of our staff! The customer was…

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Mastermag Supplies ECS To Spanish Metal Recycler

eddy current system

Master Magnets have recently worked very closely with one of Spain’s leading plant and equipment manufacturers Cometel S.A. to supply an Eddy Current Separator, as part of a new processing line being installed at a scrap metal plant in the North of Spain.  Eddy Current Separators continue to be a sound investment, with payback periods…

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Lab Equipment For Belgium

Lab Equipment

Research institute Vito NV, based in Belgium, has purchased a range of laboratory scale Magnetic Separators to evaluate the magnetic properties of different minerals in their research. Dry Processing with the Induced Magnetic Roll For testing dry, free-flowing materials, a High Intensity Bench Top Induced Magnetic Roll (IMR) was supplied.  The design of the laboratory-scale IMR allows…

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10 Tonne Electro Overbands for Russian Coal Plant

10 Tonne Electro Overband Magnet for russian coal plant

Magnetic Separation is a key stage of any screening, crushing and sorting plant and MK Vega-Po LLC (“Radex”), of St Petersburg in Russia, purchased six (6) Electro Overband Magnets for their coastal coal processing complex in Nakhodka on the Trudny Peninsula, approximately 85km (53 miles) east of Vladivostok in Russia. 9000 tph Coal Processing Plant…

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UK Compost Producer Purchases Fifth Overband Magnet

Magnetic separation equipment ‌

White Moss Horticulture is one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of quality compost and growing media.  All the products are made from recycled green materials.  They operate major production facilities in both the North and South of the UK.  These strategic locations, unique in the industry, allow for efficient national distribution to satisfy the largest retailers’…

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Electro Overband Magnets Protect Waste Shredders

Electro overband magnets protect waste shredders

Recovering Ferrous Metals from waste product streams is a vital part of any recycling process. Many of UKs recycling centres are focused on upgrading their metal separation equipment to reduce landfill and thus costs, and to protect any downstream processing equipment from large damaging metals. Ferrous Metal Causes Costly Damage In one recycling project, a…

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