Technical Explanation of the Magnetic Disc Separator

Magnetic Disc Separator

The origins of the Magnetic Disc Separator date back to the early 1900s.  Although manufacturing techniques have significantly changed and more advanced machines have now been incorporated, the basic function design remains virtually the same.  The Magnetic Disc Separator is widely used to ensure an accurate separation of dry minerals that have varied magnetic susceptibilities.…

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Magnetic Separators and Magnetic Separation Equipment

magnetic separation equipment ‌

What is Magnetic Separation? Magnetic Separation is one of the most common and important physical separation techniques and there are many varieties of magnetic separation equipment available.  The basic concept of a Magnetic Separation is that magnetically susceptible particles or bodies are separated from non-magnetic particles.  However, the simplicity stops there.  To enable different levels…

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Magnetic Separators For Mineral Processing

Aggregate Quarrying

Magnetic separators can be found in most mineral processing operations, especially those processing non-metallic minerals and magnetic ores.  This article investigates the use of high intensity magnetic separators and magnetic separation equipment in the minerals sector with a focus on processing dry materials (in the -15mm, +45 micron size range). Principles of Magnetic Separators There…

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HUB4 Visits Master Magnets

HUB4 visits Bunting

As part of our 40th anniversary celebration, we invited David Roberts from HUB-4 to our manufacturing plant in Redditch, UK.  With business strong following two successful exhibitions (Hillhead and RWM), David was able to see a busy shop floor. Eddy Current Separator On a tour around the factory, we showed David the Eddy Current Separator that…

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Video Explanation of the Induced Magnetic Roll Separator IMR

magnetic separation

The Induced Magnetic Roll Separator (IMR) has been used in the non-metallic mineral industry for decades.  However, the popularity of this high intensity magnetic separator dwindled after the development of the Rare Earth (RE) Roll Magnetic Separator in the late 70s early 80s.  Whereas the magnetic forces in an IMR were electromagnetically generated, high intensity…

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Celebrating Recycling Success for Recycle Week

Vibratory Feeder Recycling Lives

The 2018 Recycle Week takes place between the 24th and 30th September.  Originally conceived 15 years ago, Recycle Week is a celebration of recycling, organised by WRAP under the Recycle Now brand.  To celebrate Recycle Week we want to highlight 4 projects where we have helped recycling companies either recover metals or cleanse recycled materials…

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RWM18 Featured Eddy Current Separator Sold

eddy current separator

On Friday 21st September 2018, one of the many visitors to our Bunting and Master Magnets stand at the RWM18 exhibition placed an order for the displayed Eddy Current Separator.  The order was confirmed just 8 days after the close of RWM18.  Along with the Eddy Current Separator, the customer also ordered a high strength Rare Earth Drum Magnet.…

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Demonstrations Attract Visitors at RWM18

Magnetic Separation Equipment RWM

When visitors entered the main hall at this year’s RWM Exhibition, their attention was immediately drawn to Metal Separation equipment operating on the Master Magnets and Bunting Magnetics Europe stand.  The stand was the largest exhibiting Magnetic Separators and Eddy Current Separators at the show. “With our stand being in prime position as visitors entered…

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3 UK Waste Recycling Facts

Recyling Facts

Latest 2016 Waste Recycling DEFRA Data The UK’s largest recycling exhibition, RWM, takes place on the 12th and 13th September 2018 (NEC, Birmingham, UK).  Leading up to the show, we wanted to review three key facts from the latest DEFRA data on waste and recycling, published in February 2018 and reviewing information from 2016 (the…

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Electro Overband Magnet Removes Metal from Copper Ore

metal separation ‌ ‌

The photograph shows a large self-cleaning Electro Overband Magnet packed and ready for despatch to a copper ore mine in Bulgaria.  This is the third Electro Overband Magnet purchased by the mine to remove tramp ferrous metal from the crushed ore. The Application The mine is installing the Electro Overband Magnet to remove tramp ferrous metal…

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