Metal Separation Attracts Visitors at RWM19

Bunting at RWM '19

Visitors to RWM19 heard and then saw metal being separated on Bunting’s stand P1 as soon as they walked into the show. “Visitors to the RWM19 exhibition wanted to see equipment in action. The clattering noise of separating metal was enough to ignite their imagination and draw them to the stand,” explained Adrian Coleman, the…

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Lab Equipment For University of Birmingham

Eddy Current Separator University of Birmingham

The University of Birmingham has purchased a laboratory-sized Eddy Current Separator and Drum Magnet modular system from Bunting-Redditch.  Students and professors undertaking research at the university will use the new Metal Separation Module to determine the recovery and recycling capabilities of a wide range of materials. The laboratory Metal Separation Module comprises of a Vibratory…

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Focus on Metal Recovery at RWM 2019

Bunting Master Magnets at RWM '17

The focus on the Bunting stand at RWM 2019 (11 & 12 September, NEC, Birmingham, UK) is recovering and separating metals from secondary ‘waste’ materials.  Working production-sized metal separators separating metals are on display on stand P1, right by the entrance to the show. Recycling has never had a higher profile.  The ongoing backlash against single-use…

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Eddy Current Separator Health Check

Eddy Current Separator at Master Magnets

A ‘Health Check’ is defined as ‘an examination to determine whether a person or animal is suffering from illness or injury’, but we also apply it to the Eddy Current Separator.  In many recycling operations, the Eddy Current Separator is a vital part of the process.  The aluminium and non-ferrous metals recovered on the Eddy…

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New XRF Enhances Mineral Testing Capabilities

X-ray fluorescence analysers

The purchase of a new X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyser enhances the mineral testing capabilities of the Bunting test laboratory based at the manufacturing facility in Redditch, UK.  Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science, based in Abingdon, UK, supplied the X-MET8000 Expert XRF analyser and provided comprehensive training for the technical staff at Bunting. The Science of X-Ray…

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Keeping Ceramic Sanitaryware Iron Free

keeping sanitaryware Iron free

Sanitaryware is a commonly used term in the ceramics industry referring to sanitary appliances found in toilets and bathrooms.  Traditionally, bathroom bowls, cisterns, bidets, urinals and washbasins are made from porcelain (a ceramic material made from clay that might be described as ‘vitreous china’ when coated with enamel).  This might be referred to as ceramic,…

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Technology Drives Aluminium Recycling Success

Aluminium Recycling Success

The simple Aluminium Can is a perfect example of successful waste and recycling management.  In 2020, the recycling rate for aluminium beverage cans in the European Union, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway and Iceland stood at 72%.  This is up from 54% in 2010, although down from 75% in 2019. However, a 9% growth in consumption…

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Iron Separation Technology at Ceramics UK Show

Electro magnetic filter

Successfully removing fine iron from ceramic slips and glazes is vitally important in any ceramics plant.  Such iron contamination is removed using high intensity magnetic separators like those on display on the Bunting and Master Magnets stand 1517 at the Ceramics UK show (10-11 July 2019, Telford, United Kingdom). Iron contamination causes surface defects (black…

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Magnetic Separators and Metal Detectors at VICTAM 2019

Grate magnet

Metal contamination is a common problem in the animal feed and grain industries.  Practical and proven solutions will feature on stand A029 at the VICTAM International 2019 exhibition (Cologne, Germany June 12 – 14).  The range of Master Magnets and Bunting Magnetic Separators and Metal Detectors both identify and capture problematic metal that is potentially…

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Middle East Fabricator Purchases Electromagnetic Sweeper

Middle east fabricator purchases Electro magnetic sweeper

An American metal fabricator, based in the United Arab Emirates, recently received a large ElectroMagnetic Sweeper from Bunting.  The UAE-based operation designs and manufactures equipment for the local oil and gas industry.  The company acquired the Electromagnetic Sweeper to pick up any rogue ferrous metal found on the floor of the workshop, transport routes and car…

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