Maximising Non-Ferrous Metal Separation

Non-ferrous Metal Separation

There is an ever-growing demand to maximise the recovery or removal of metal from waste, especially non-ferrous.  The economic viability of many recycling plants is based upon their ability to successfully recover valuable metals such as aluminium.  In operations processing waste plastics, successful recycling is not possible without removing the ferrous and non-ferrous metal contamination. …

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Metal Recovery Technology at Ecomondo 2019

Mezzanine Test Area

Technology to recover ferrous, non-ferrous and stainless-steel metal from waste and secondary materials is the focus on stand A2 008 at the green technology expo Ecomondo 2019 (Rimini, Italy 5-8 November 2019). “Reusing waste material is only possible after segregation and separation,” explained Simon Ayling, Bunting’s European Managing Director.  “Our focus is designing, developing and…

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New High Temperature Drawer Filter Magnet

FF350 Bunting Magnetics

Bunting is launching the FF350, a new Drawer Filter Magnet designed for use in high temperature applications, at the K2019 Show (16-23 October 2019 Dusseldorf, Germany). The FF Series of Drawer Filter Magnets collect and separate ferrous metal contamination from gravity fed, dry, free flowing materials.  Mounted inside the outer housing are extremely strong Neodymium…

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Metal Separator Locations in a Plastics Plant

Plastics Perfect Plant

Determining the best location to remove metal in a Plastics Processing plant can be difficult.  To assist plastics engineers, Bunting has released a Typical Plant Flowsheet showing optimum locations for metal separators.  This blog focuses on the locations, designs and types of Magnetic Separator and Metal Detector commonly used in plastics plants. A Typical Flowsheet On the flowsheet, the…

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Junction City Mining Installs Overband Magnet in US Quarry

Mining Overband Magnet

One of the largest quarries in the US state of Georgia is protecting their processing plant against damage from tramp ferrous metal by installing a Bunting PCB1206-EL Permanent Crossbelt Separator. Junction City Mining helps build bridges in the US southeast by supplying high-quality aggregate materials for construction. The company required a massive structure to handle the…

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Metal Separation Attracts Visitors at RWM19

Bunting at RWM '19

Visitors to RWM19 heard and then saw metal being separated on Bunting’s stand P1 as soon as they walked into the show. “Visitors to the RWM19 exhibition wanted to see equipment in action. The clattering noise of separating metal was enough to ignite their imagination and draw them to the stand,” explained Adrian Coleman, the…

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Lab Equipment For University of Birmingham

Eddy Current Separator University of Birmingham

The University of Birmingham has purchased a laboratory-sized Eddy Current Separator and Drum Magnet modular system from Bunting-Redditch.  Students and professors undertaking research at the university will use the new Metal Separation Module to determine the recovery and recycling capabilities of a wide range of materials. The laboratory Metal Separation Module comprises of a Vibratory…

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Focus on Metal Recovery at RWM 2019

Bunting Master Magnets at RWM '17

The focus on the Bunting stand at RWM 2019 (11 & 12 September, NEC, Birmingham, UK) is recovering and separating metals from secondary ‘waste’ materials.  Working production-sized metal separators separating metals are on display on stand P1, right by the entrance to the show. Recycling has never had a higher profile.  The ongoing backlash against single-use…

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Eddy Current Separator Health Check

Eddy Current Separator at Master Magnets

A ‘Health Check’ is defined as ‘an examination to determine whether a person or animal is suffering from illness or injury’, but we also apply it to the Eddy Current Separator.  In many recycling operations, the Eddy Current Separator is a vital part of the process.  The aluminium and non-ferrous metals recovered on the Eddy…

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