Electrostatically Recovering Copper Wire

Electrostatically Recovering Copper Wire

A combination of an ElectroStatic Separator and a Metal Separation Module is enabling the recovery of fine copper and other metals from a waste product at a UK metal recycling company. ElectroStatic Separation The Bunting ElectroStatic Separator, launched in 2020, significantly enhances the ability of companies to recover fine metals such as copper wire.  In…

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Separating Ferrous Metals When Recycling Printer Cartridges

Separating Ferrous Metals When rEcycling Printer Cartridges

A high-strength Rare Earth Drum Magnet separates the ferrous metal constituent of shredded secondary laser and toner cartridges at BCMY’s UK cartridge recycling operation. The efficient removal of ferrous metal protects downstream shredders, whilst also maximising the purity of the end recycled product. BCMY Ltd, based in Lancing in West Sussex, is one of the…

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42 Inline Magnets Keep Baby Food Metal Free

Bunting Inline Magnet

A German baby food producer has purchased forty-two (42) stainless-steel Inline Magnets to remove tramp ferrous metal.  The food-producer has installed the 42 magnetic separators in all their European manufacturing plants. Inline Magnets easily fit into existing pneumatic (up to 15 psi) or gravity-fed pipelines transporting foodstuffs.  The fabricated pipe-shaped body includes suitable ends to…

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Inline Magnet Pros and Cons

6 in line magnets clean plastic pellets

The Inline Magnet is a versatile and popular magnetic separator used widely to capture tramp ferrous metal contamination. The non-obstructive design suits applications in many different applications including food processing and plastics.  In this blog, we review the different designs and the Inline Magnet’s key advantages and disadvantages Inline Magnet Models The Inline Magnet is designed…

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Measuring Magnetic Separator Power

Bunting Magnetics Pull Test Kit

A Magnetic Separator attracts, captures and holds magnetic particles.  The magnetic strength needed to successfully separate such problematic ferrous metal contamination is commonly stated in a magnetic separator supplier’s quotation or specified in the tender.  This ‘Magnetic Strength’ is usually referenced in terms of ‘Gauss’, a unit of measurement.  However, as it is difficult to accurately measure…

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Metal Detectors Detecting More Than Treasure

Metal Detector Battery Recycling

The BBC television series Detectorists has significantly increased the public’s awareness of metal detectors, but many people remain unaware of their importance in the recycling of waste materials. Although the size and design of metal detector used in the recycling industry is different to those used by the enthusiasts on the television show, the basic…

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Two SSSC Magnetic Separators Ordered

Bunting Redditch Test Area

A UK metal recycling company has ordered two (2) SSSC Magnetic Separators to recover fragmented stainless steel. The order followed initial tests undertaken on site with a Rare Earth Drum Magnet during the Covid-19 lockdown. Once the restrictions had eased, the client travelled down to Redditch for more detailed test work on the SSSC Magnetic…

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What is an Axial and Radial Magnetic Field?

Radial Magnetic Field Bunting Magnetics

Rotary Magnetic Separators, such as the Drum Magnet and Pulley Magnet, are designed with a specific type of magnetic field.  The type of magnetic field is considered when looking at any application and when deciding which design will achieve a customer’s separation objective. For these rotary designs of magnetic separator, there are two types of magnetic…

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