Bunting-Redditch 2020 Review

Bunting-Redditch 2020 Review

To state that 2020 has been challenging would be an understatement. The global Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way people live their lives, and businesses have had to adapt. Despite the difficulties, there has been plenty of positive news coming out of Bunting-Redditch. Throughout 2020, building work has continued on a major plant and office…

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Stronger ElectroMax-Plus Overband Magnet

Bunting ElectroMax Overband Magnet

The design objective of creating a more compact and powerful electromagnetic Overband Magnet led the Bunting engineering team to develop the ElectroMax-Plus. Electro Overband Magnets Electromagnetic Overband Magnets use an oil-cooled or air-cooled wire coil to generate a deep and strong magnetic field.  The electromagnetic force radiates from a coil wound around a steel core…

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Rising UK Metal Packaging Recycling Tonnage

Metal Packaging Recycling Rates

The latest data from the UK Environment Agency’s National Packaging Waste Database for quarter 2 2020 shows a 9.7% rise on quarter 1 2019 in the tonnage of recycled and recovered Used Beverage Cans (UBCs) and metal packaging. However, whereas the recycled tonnage of aluminium packaging has steadily increased over the period, there has been…

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Demonstrating the ElectroMax Overband Magnet’s Power

Overhead magnet machine

The ElectroMax Overband Magnet has proved extremely popular since the launch in May 2019. Shipments average at over one ElectroMax per month with an increasing number of mobile plant, mining and recycling companies turning to the air-cooled ElectroMax Electro-Overband Magnet as a high-performance, lightweight option to the traditional Permanent Overband Magnet. Technical information: Overband Magnets…

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Keeping Ceramic Tableware Iron Blemish Free

Keeping ceramic tableware iron blemish free

Fine iron and iron-bearing minerals cause visual and structural defects in ceramic tableware.  Such contamination appears as small dark spots on the surface or is hidden within the body and causes premature cracking of the ceramic.  The cup, saucer or plate is then either rejected or reworked. Iron contamination The problem of iron contamination is…

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3 Metal Parts Contaminating Plastic Waste

3 metal parts contaminating plastic waste

Recycling plastic waste is challenging at the best of times. However, when contaminated with ferrous metals, recycling is hindered by equipment damage, production downtime and poor end product quality. Thankfully, installing the optimum magnetic separator ensures that such ferrous metal contamination is removed. In this article we look at three examples of ferrous metal contamination…

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Two New Overband Magnet Models

Bunting PMax Overband Magnet

Bunting has added two new models to their popular and highly successful range of Permanent Overband Magnets.  The two new designs – the PCB-C (Compact) and QBC (Quick Belt Change) – meet specific requirements of reduced maintenance time and lighter weights.  These models expand the Overband range, which also includes the classic PCB model. The…

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A Great Recycling History

Historical Recycling

There has never been a greater focus on recycling and reusing waste materials. Many experts claim that our waste problem is related to the modern ‘throw-away’ society. Convenience, aligned to our busy lifestyle, has driven up the need for quicker and easily-accessible goods. However, we have an incredible recycling history. Much can be learnt from…

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Metal Removal when Recycling Rubber Tyres

Metal separation - Rubber crumb

Successfully removing metal from rubber (originating from the metal wire in a tyre) when recycling tyres is critical, especially as rogue metal can cause injury to horses and children who run and play on the recovered rubber crumb.  Although each tyre recycling plant is different, here is a guide to the common types and location…

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