ElectroStatically Cleaning Plastic Waste

Electrostatically cleaning plastic waste

With the ever-increasing amount of plastic waste collected for recycling, the ability to remove effectively contaminants including metal has never been more important.  Often, contaminated plastic cannot be processed meaning that landfill or energy-to-waste are the only options.  The ElectroStatic Separator significantly expands the range of product recycling possibilities, enabling the removal of very small…

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Training Future Metal Recyclers from EMR

Students visiting Bunting Redditch

Students, on a year’s work placement with European Metal Recycling (EMR), attended a training day at Bunting’s Redditch plant assessing the latest magnetic, eddy current and electrostatic separators.  The training illustrated the importance of optimising material separation in the drive towards increasing secondary material recycling rates. EMR is a global leader in sustainable materials, investing…

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Metal Contamination Solutions at Interplas 2021

Bunting Metal contamination solutions at Interplas 2021

Efficient and proven methods of removing metal during plastics manufacture or recycling is showcased on Bunting’s ‘Protect, Prevent & Purify’ stand (H11) at the Interplas plastics exhibition (28th to 30th September, NEC, Birmingham, UK).  Interplas is the UK’s leading plastics industry event and an exciting showcase for the manufacturing processes, technologies, and services essential to…

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Discover Metal Separation at RWM 2021

Bunting Electro static separator

After a year missed due to the pandemic, Bunting is back exhibiting at the RWM show at the NEC in Birmingham, UK (22nd to 23rd September 2021) on stand 5-R10.  For the first time, Bunting is showcasing their revolutionary Electrostatic Separator, as well as other advanced technology for metal separation and recovery. ElectroStatic Separator at…

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Recycling Growth Dependent on Technology

Recycling Growth dependent on technology

Annual events such as the UK’s Recycling Week, the Global Recycling Day and Earth Day provide the perfect platform for reflection and planning.  Successful and extensive recycling reduces the pressure on the planet’s finite resources, whilst also providing desperately needed environmental protection.  Many experts predict that the failure to radically change the way waste is…

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Metal Recovery from WEEE and Cable

Cable Recycling diagram

There is a wealth of valuable metals present in WEEE (Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment) and cables. However, the recovery is often difficult due to the small particle size range and variable nature of the metals. With the development and launch of the ElectroStatic Separator [in 2020], Bunting now provides a complete multi-stage metal…

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Bunting-Redditch 2020 Review

Bunting-Redditch 2020 Review

To state that 2020 has been challenging would be an understatement. The global Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way people live their lives, and businesses have had to adapt. Despite the difficulties, there has been plenty of positive news coming out of Bunting-Redditch. Throughout 2020, building work has continued on a major plant and office…

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Electrostatically Recovering Copper Wire

Electrostatically Recovering Copper Wire

A combination of an ElectroStatic Separator and a Metal Separation Module is enabling the recovery of fine copper and other metals from a waste product at a UK metal recycling company. ElectroStatic Separation The Bunting ElectroStatic Separator, launched in 2020, significantly enhances the ability of companies to recover fine metals such as copper wire.  In…

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Eddy Current versus Electrostatic Separation

Eddy Current Separator ElectroStatic Separator

Separation technology plays a major role in the recycling of waste materials. Metals are recovered using one or a combination of metal separators including Magnetic Separators, Eddy Current Separators and ElectroStatic Separators. Eddy Current Separators and ElectroStatic Separators play an important role in maximising metal recovery and revenue from complex streams presently processed by metal…

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ElectroStatic Separation of Minerals

Bunting ElectroStatic Separator

Article written by Neil Rowson, Professor of Minerals Engineering in the School of Chemical Engineering at the University of Birmingham Electrostatic phenomenon dates back to 600 – 700 B.C. when people noticed static electric effects (attraction of hair) when amber was rubbed with fur.  Indeed, the word ‘electrostatic’ comes from the ancient Greek word ‘electron’…

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