BMRA Membership for Bunting
By Paul Fears | 29 January 2020
Bunting has joined the British Metals Recycling Association (BMRA). The new membership reflects the importance of Bunting’s Magnetic Separator and Eddy Current Separator technology for the separation and recovery of valuable metals.

The BMRA is the trade association representing the £7 billion UK metal recycling sector representing over 250 organisations. Members produce environmentally-friendly raw materials to metals manufacturers around the world.
“We are proud of our strong association with UK metals recycling industry, which was the primary reason for joining the BMRA,” explained Simon Ayling, Bunting’s European Managing Director.
Bunting has a long history of supplying metal separation equipment to the metals recycling industry. Large electro Magnetic Scrap Drums, many of which have been in operation for decades, are installed in shredding facilities and steelworks slag processing plants across Europe. In the early 1990s, Bunting introduced their Eddy Current Separator for the separation of non-ferrous metals. The Eddy Current Separator has since evolved, with three different models, and enables enhanced metal recovery of aluminium, copper and other non-ferrous metals.
The most recent development is the ultra-high strength Stainless Steel Magnetic Separator which separates fragmented stainless steel from non-magnetic metal mixes.
“The industry focus is both on maximising recovery and purity,” said Simon. “Waste materials destined for landfill need to be as metal-free as is practically possible. However, metals manufacturers are also keen to reduce waste and are demanding higher purity recycled metal feed. Our role is to provide the best separation technology.”

The BMRA provides the ideal platform to work closely with the industry to develop the next generation of metal separators. Already, many BMRA members have had controlled material tests undertaken at the Recycling Test Facility in Redditch, UK. Test are conducted on production-sized equipment including the Eddy Current Separator and Stainless-Steel Magnetic separator.
Bunting joins the BMRA two months after announcing membership of the Polymer Machinery Manufacturers and Distributors Association.
“Membership of key industry associations enables us to meet and talk with key industry professionals on a regular basis,” said Simon. “This allows us to better understand issues in the industry, which will drive our product development.”
For additional information on equipment used to separate and recover metals, please contact us on:
Telephone: +44 (0) 1527 65858
Photographs taken by Paul Fears Photography
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